По поводу глубинной насадки для XP Deus
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По поводу глубинной насадки для XP Deus компания XP Metal Detectors дала ответ, что продукт еще в стадии доработки, мол ждите, у нас и не один прибор XP Deus, а есть и остальные, работа ведется во всех направлениях и выпускать не качественный товар мы не будем, ждите, в следующем году запустим. Кто хочет почитать развернутый ответ, смотрите под ниже.

The Hoard Hunter . . . . . well here’s the update. XP has been working on a number of projects — most for the Deus but they do have other models in their lineup (even if we only see the one in the US). Alain is ambitious and wants to bring as many innovations to fruition as possible . . . being an avid user of his equipment, he sees what can be done and would like nothing more than to have it all available now. If you look back on what he has released, he is also a perfectionist and will not release a product — software or hardware — that has not been thoroughly tested and is proven solid. This is why the V4.0 / HF coils / MI6 PinPointer release is delayed. The Hoard Hunter is not dead but has been pushed back into 2017 at the earliest to allow the XP team to focus on getting the other Deus options tested and released. XP has the prototype done and it works extremely well but the development / finalizing of the injection molds (which are extremely expensive and time consuming to create) have been pushed so that they can focus on the items that are ready for release in the near term. So agin, it will happen but when the XP resources can support it and ensure we all get a product that does what the factory promotes it will and do so without issues in the field . . . . so much for the «Readers Digest» answer huh 🙂